Saiman Li

Are you a communist? Name one benefit of being a citizen of the United States? What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called? How many stars and stripes are there in the United States flag? What is meant by freedom of Press?
Does the President sign amendments? How many states are there in the United States?
Who makes the laws for the United States of America? What are the duties of the Supreme Court?
Whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? What was the principal cause for fighting the United States civil war?
Who is the Commander in Chief of the U.S. military? What is presently under consideration as the 27th Amendment to the Constitution? What countries were our enemies during World War II? What is the most important right granted to U.S. citizens? Who said "Give me liberty or give me death?"


Saiman Li.
"Citizenship" 1997.
Installation representation