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By Kevin Haas

Statement - The urban and industrial landscape is the source and inspiration of my work. This landscape is invariably one of transition, and its constant processes of construction, decay and demolition are the overriding themes of the city and my work. Through time, the city manifests the disparities between the ideal and the real, the plan and its materialization, permanence and decay, memory and loss, and time and stasis.

My exploration of this landscape arose from a deep sense that our relation to, and interconnection with the built environment profoundly affects us. Our relationship to specific places, especially to those we are unfamiliar with, is often elusive; however, one cannot ignore that these places affect us and that they and we are interconnected. This awareness compels my search for clues as to the nature of place and time in the visual and material evidence of the built environment.

My work, provides an engagement between image, place, material, and form so that issues concerning time, memory and the built environment may be considered by the viewer. Rather than providing answers, my work resists conclusiveness so as to highlight the irreconcilable and changeable aspects of our urban and industrial landscapes. It reflects upon the fragility of our decisions and endeavors in counterpoint with the usual tempo of our lives.

Enter the 'City Dreams & Fragments' exhibit.

Biography - Having recently relocated from Chicago, where he taught classes in digital media and printmaking, Kevin Haas is now the studio technician for the printmaking department at The Savannah College of Art and Design, and the printer for SCAD Editions. His work explores the urban and industrial landscape through prints, photos, and digital media. It is often interactive in some way, taking the form of books, souvenirs, puzzles, or in this case, DHTML. Earlier this year he collaborated with the Chicago artist Elke Claus during a residency at the Columbia College Center for Book and Paper Arts. He was featured in "Emerging Artists '98" at the Vedanta Gallery in Chicago. He recieved his MFA in Printmaking from Indiana University and his BFA from the The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Plug-Ins & Site Requirements - This exhibition requires a browser which supports frames, JavaScripts, DHTML and CSS. Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher or MicroSoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher are reccomended.

E-Mail: Kevin Haas
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