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By Thomas Payne

Statement - 'Sometimes' started as an experiment into alternatives to traditional presentations of photographs but the project soon took on a life of its own.
The website 'Sometimes' is an abbreviated presentation of a larger work published on CD-ROM.
Enter the 'Sometimes' exhibit.

Biography - Thomas Payne teaches photography and design at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. He has previously taught at the State University of New York at Buffalo and at the University of Oklahoma. His work was recently published in Communication Arts magazine and he was a winner of the New Voices/New Visions competition in 1996. He is currently working on an interactive computer program titled 'SO.'

Plug-Ins & Site Requirements - The 'Sometimes' website requires the Shockwave Plug--In from MacroMedia and is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher or MicroSoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.

Sometimes CD-ROM - Thomas Payne's award winning CD-ROM "Sometimes" is available through CEPA Gallery for $25 (plus $2 s&h). The "Sometimes" CD-ROM requires a Macintosh compatible computer with a 13" or larger color monitor. To order "Sometimes" on CD-ROM contact CEPA Gallery at (716) 856-2717 or via e-mail at

E-Mail: Thomas Payne
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